Wednesday, May 19, 2004

making one of my "hopefully-as-enriching-as-the-presidents" speeches again. well, since most of the OC has decided that trying to cheat the stupid Thais would be harder than they thot. n sports is not of primary importance in a great society like Lame Isles, we shall now redirect most of our funds ($2.45) to investing in UOL. the rest of our funds (one very big dollar) shall be nicely framed up in the office of the greatest treasurer and secretary of Lame Isles history ever. ahem ahem...y do i haf a strange feeling that it is refering to me.

this message will take effect as of the blardy time you see below dis message

Words of the National Treasurer of Lame Isles,
National Secretary of Lame Isles,
Mayor of East Lame Isles,
BlazingWinter aka Sean


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