Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, Weiyi ninjas has saved justin from the evil computer. He has now become un-addicted to games. He has decided to blog again. Upon arriving back to lame isles, he found out some abusers of his poll. Further investigations has proven MiniDino(Tagname) guilty of abusing the system. Thus, the penalty will be that anyone whom knows whoever he is gets to kick him real hard in the arse.
Now, to more serious matters. The situation to the minipolls have been salvaged. I know what to do already if ANY OTHER ABUSERS wants to destroy this piece of hard work and effort our poor justin has done for us. ( in other words, ME. )
And, whoever with itchy fingers went and messed up the blog template, i have a phrase that i would like to quote from my A/E maths teacher to you, "Burn un HEll." and if you thought hell did not exist, well, this is what the brother of my school said, "Hell DOes exist". So yes, i'm sure u smart alexs' out there can figure out the consequences yourself.
Back to more light-hearted isses, anyone from SJI or anyone i know personally likes AYUMI HAMASAKI (that slut) and BoA (that snake from Korea) , can come to me, i just ripped off songs off people who paid their allowances to buy. So, i'm here to distibute pirated goods. Yes. I know its illegal. But, i'm the law, thus, the law allows piracy here. Have fun in lame isles. Any doubts about how the law works, just ring the mental institution. I'm sure they'll be glad to have another patient who just lacks a brain.
Now, to more serious matters. The situation to the minipolls have been salvaged. I know what to do already if ANY OTHER ABUSERS wants to destroy this piece of hard work and effort our poor justin has done for us. ( in other words, ME. )
And, whoever with itchy fingers went and messed up the blog template, i have a phrase that i would like to quote from my A/E maths teacher to you, "Burn un HEll." and if you thought hell did not exist, well, this is what the brother of my school said, "Hell DOes exist". So yes, i'm sure u smart alexs' out there can figure out the consequences yourself.
Back to more light-hearted isses, anyone from SJI or anyone i know personally likes AYUMI HAMASAKI (that slut) and BoA (that snake from Korea) , can come to me, i just ripped off songs off people who paid their allowances to buy. So, i'm here to distibute pirated goods. Yes. I know its illegal. But, i'm the law, thus, the law allows piracy here. Have fun in lame isles. Any doubts about how the law works, just ring the mental institution. I'm sure they'll be glad to have another patient who just lacks a brain.
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