Sunday, February 13, 2005

I strongly dissagree with point 6 in the post on the 11 feb:

6. The last issue is to highlight the recent threat of the onslaught of
terrorism on our tagboards by a Terrorist Group that goes by the name of the
'Gay Fund Rebels'. After a series of pay cuts imposed on the Rebels, namely
Junior Ministress of Cleanliness and Chief Architect, Charissa Chen and Junior
Minister of Lame Power, Edwin Low, we have managed to successfully curtail the
influence of the GRP on our Federation

My fellow friend, Edwin Low and I were just supporting those who are sexually challanged. We are not terrorists. We have done nothing what so ever to harm lameisles or it's citizens..We are faithful to it's people. In short WE ARE NOT BAD! :))

so what u want me to say now? "Don't support the gay fund"? "....."support the ANTI-gay fund"? O.o


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