Monday, December 06, 2004

Dear Binni,

It's good to see that we have a Security Level Guage. Don't worry, I will not allow any herbivours or tree eaters near your base. And I will look for the National Gardener. You can reccomend them to me too.
Another thing, I would like you to help me find The Incredibles. I think their Incredibly Incredible powers can help boost the defence of our country.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Wei Yi,

I write to you to clarify the doubts you had over the minutes.

1.1 I wrote: Vice President Menthos Gan Wei Yi has been warned AGAIN not to talk nonsense about the Ministress of Education Nicole Dorville and the President Eugene Ang as his nonsense may be interpreted wrongly by the Ministress' boyfriend, and this could result in serious jeopardy of the President's safety.
You Wrote: Its common knowledge that the President is always the First Lady's wife, not a "Ministress' boyfriend". But that's common knowledge, there's always exception to it, but I am not too sure if Lame Isles is an exception. Maybe the President should confirm it himself.
My Reply: If I am not wrong, you misread 'by' as 'as'. What I meant to say was that I did not want to give Nicole's boyfriend the wrong idea. As for the exception you talk about, I think you should refer to a post that you made yourself on Tuesday, July 06, 2004, at 4:33pm. In the post, you said 'Nicole is theoratically the First Lady, as also agreed by the President himself. Nicole, being the first lady to step into the Lame Isles government, should be deem with the prestigious title of "First Lady" with honour. She can be the minister also, but First Lady still sounds better.' I think that should answer your question.

1.2 The statement was first proposed by Yee Jia Hao, to which you replied 'see? jia hao makes the most sense'.

3.2 & 5.1.1: I'm sorry that I did not add those as I found that quite trivial.
5.2.3: It was declared as of the posting of the minutes. I will, in future, put such declarations in the 'Annexe'

Yours Sincerely,

Lastly, I'm looking for a National Gardener and a Sports Minister. Also, Charissa's addtional posts are Chief Architect and Builder. She has lots of talents in these areas. I will upload her plan for the Embassy for the Retardees ASAP.


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