Sunday, October 24, 2004

To Whom it may concern:

I would like to criticise the lack of things for me to criticism. How could you do this?

For those who would like to criticise this statement, please bear in mind that whether a thing can be criticised depends on the perspective you take

Signing off.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Good evening everyone. I have some announcements to make.

1. Please do not try to assassinate me, or else you will risk your life. I have Secret Service agents all over the world, and it will not be nice if you run into trouble with them.

2. Andrew will be released from jail soon as he has done something good. Did he save me from some assassination attempt today? I can't remember...Oh, and he was in jail be cause he defamed me and the VP. How dare he say that updating the Lame Isles OC is abusing the computer.

Some messages to Lamers:

[MoM] Island 4 is yours already. You can begin construction of your Magical Amenities. Be sure to update us on what is going on there!

[nicd~©] All right. Island 6 will be set aside for the MOE and the University of Lame Arts, and other teaching facilities.

[P{ZM}] Thanks for your contributions, but considering that we have less than 100 people living here at the moment, we have a lot of space for further development. So sorry if you can't see the map adn the legend clearly. That bar is 30km altogether, meaning that one coloured sector is 10km. Including our Seas of Lame Isles, our territory is about 100km by 80km (?? estimation). It should be safe to say that Lame Isles has more than 5000-6000 square km of space. Almost 10 times that of Singapore. I will do some detailed studies into the land area of Lame Isles soon.
[jov] So that is for building your Construction HQ? And the scultures of Wei Yi? Haha. You should make sure that other parts of the country will be developed too. Unless you think that we can set aside some space for agriculture? But then again, it makes no sense to have the Mint and the Treasury in the middle of undeveloped agricultural land. Or maybe it does. Security will be tighter at the Treasury because of natural protection from the vegetation.
Ah well, do tag and post your thoughts on how you think we should develop our land further. Thanks for your attention. Good night.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

From the Lam(e)inistry of Magic...
i received a premonition...
a premonition of the future of Lame Isles...
it is bad because...
because it's too good...
i saw that i will be the most popular television icon in Lame Isles...
in order to make this good premonition come true...
i need to recruit an apprentice...
the apprentice...
16 lame contestants will take part in the selection...
but there will only be one...
the apprentice will walk away with an execut...
ive job?...
the apprentice will walk away with an execution spell...
to vanquish evil...
and 25 000 dollars...
worth of charms and spells...
so tell me who want to take part...

Monday, October 18, 2004

The air is mine. I own the airspace. AIR! MINE!

Friday, October 15, 2004

I declare that Island 4 has been reserved for the Ministry of Magic!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Good morning Lame Isles!
As the examinations at SJI come to a close, I am now doing my part to spread Lamerism to the world.
It's good to note that the number of citizens we have is increasing by the weeks.
So, I have finally completed the Map of Lame Isles, Version 2.01.
You can start picking out your homes, building ameneties, your Ministries, improving our country's accessibility, even building attractions to bring in tourists. As for the Ancillary services, we can provide one stop Information Service with our Official Chronicles.

Some short notes about our country:

Island 1: West Lame Isles, Mayor Wei Yi
Island 13: East Lame Isles, Mayor Sean
Islands 2-12: Central Lame Isles, [Currently no Mayor]
Islands 7,8,14: Lame City Centre
Island 14: Executive Island (My Home...Yay!)
Island 7: Government Island (Home of our Parliment Building)
Island 8: LICC- Lame Isles Central Complex
Island 11: Defence Island- n-gon Defence Ministry Building

Have fun marking out your territory!
 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Note that as ambassador of LI and as my first entry... I shall start a competition which will go on forever.... until we say stop...

so... e comp is to create a sentence which has many of the same words... it can be in different forms. the lamer the better. quantity might matter also...

e.g. its commonly common knowledge that common people get the commonly common cold...

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Clear House, Sean. Clear House. I stay in the Clear House. And on the Executive Island, at No. 1 Executive Avenue to be specific.
This is real interesting! Lame Isles is indeed beginning to revolutionise and include more lamers. Well Done! Let me be the tour guide and show all the potential lamers around Lame Isles. From the West Lame Isles, where the Vice President resides in his Black House. To the Central Lame Isles where the President resides in his White House. To the East Lame Isles where the Secretary resides in the Treasury. (that is where I sleep among my clear notes)!!! counting day and night.

As you lamers should be able to see for yourself (you are only lame, not blind yet), I am rich enough to sleep on a money bed. which means that the national treasury does have a lot of money indeed. Because of the increase number of citizens, our secondly, minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly revenue would increase by a large margin! yippee! I can get a bigger bed soon!
